by Alan Maene | Jun 9, 2023 | Category 1, Category 1, Stick post, Stick post
The biggest wellbeing at work event in Belgium took part this June 2023 in the WELL at WORK event, organized by the Circle of wellbeing. It was one of the biggest wellbeing at the workplace events in Belgium with 217 attendees! Here are some pictures we...
by admin | May 5, 2022 | Category 1, Category 1, Stick post, Stick post
Online Coffee Break: Wellbeing at Work Watch the insightful and dynamic discussion of our Chief Vision Officer, Dr. Nikolaos Dimitriadis with Jim Lippens, founder of the Happiness@Work...
by admin | Oct 9, 2021 | Category 1, Category 1, Stick post, Stick post
Watch our first webinar on Wellbeing at Work video A few of the key topics that are discussed are: What is workplace wellbeing, why is it important? How can large companies guarantee sustainable growth while prioritizing wellbeing at work? What is the state of...